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you can take a pregnancy test whenever you please. if you take it anytime after your missed period though, your test will turn out more effective.

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Q: When can you take a pregnancy test how soon?
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How soon you can use home pregnancy test?

as soon as you think you are pregnant ,just take the test to see.

If you have implantation bleeding how soon can you take a pregnancy test?

After about a week.

How soon can you take a pregnancy test after your period?

if your period is due but hasn't come definitely take a test

When can you take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant?

you can take a test as soon as you are a day late on your period as this will then show hormones in your body.

How long after intercourse could you take a pregnancy test?

You should take a pregnancy test shortly after your missed period. That is when a home pregnancy test is most effective. Although I have heard you can do a blood test at the doctor as soon as 2 weeks before your missed period.

How soon can you find out I am pregnant?

You can take an at home pregnancy test up to 4 days before your expected pregnancy. The longer you wait the more accurate result you get but you can as soon as 4 days before.

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Most likely it's because your period is coming soon. However, if you miss your period, take a pregnancy test

Is cramping before your period a sign of pregnancy or of your period coming soon?

It's a sign of your period coming soon. However, if you miss your period, take a pregnancy test

How soon can you take a pregnancy test if you are still taking the pill?

you can take one at any time you think you are pregnant.

Is seven days before a missed period to soon to take a pregnancy test?

Taking a pregnancy test seven days before a missed period won't be accurate.

Should you take a pregnancy test while using the Mirena?

Take a pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy. If it's positive, see your health care provider to have the IUD removed. You can have another inserted as soon as the pregnancy ends. If the test is negative, you're all set.

Why do you have a pain in your lower ab?

It is possible. You will need to take a home pregnancy test as soon as possible to confirm this.