nothing silly goosee. you'll be fine. it might sting when its first pierced but after a while you will be perfectly fine : )
Lay off of spicy foods for about 2 weeks after getting the piercing.
This is because our tongue is hot from the flavour. Just like how we go red when we are hot.
Food would be a good thing, unlike a tongue piercing you can eat almost anything so long as you rinse after eating and stay on something for swelling.
If it's healed, yes.
you can eat a spicy pepper.
two weeks! defiantly wanna avoid a yeast infection on your tongue!
If it's not healed, you should avoid it.
Well you can but I don't think that you're supposed to.
Burping is from excess gas. If spicy causes you gas, then yes.
well the simple answer is not to eat hot souce
hey man whatever floats your boat