Whenever you can move the ring around without it hurting.
I changed mine after i could twist it a bit without it getting stuck on the skin(if you know what i mean)
More then likely they'd have you take out the nostril piercing before they pierce the septum. You should have no problem with the nose ring and septum ring getting caught on each other afterwards though.
A septum ring is nothing more than a captive bead ring in a septum piercing.
After almost 8 months you have nothing to worry about the septum will not close that fast and you should be able to get some new jewellery into the piercing with out any issues.
Some negatives may include; it getting infected, the pain while in the process, or even changing the ring itself. Some people say getting their nose pierced is one of the worst pains. Getting my nose pierced hurt more than any of my other piercings. The first few weeks, you nose can get infected, and its not fun. If you change the nose ring too early it can infect it or make is sore so be careful when deciding to get your nose pierced. I hope this helped!
Yes it is okay, 14 days after gettin it pierced... it should be okay one week after getting it done.
4 weeks :) Thanks
Wait till its fully healed. Surface piercings can get really cranky. You dont want to change the ring too early and have the piercing reject. If you have a bar in there, you can go to your piercer after the swelling goes down to get something shorter.
It probably won't but it can. Your piercer should put the ball in there pretty tight but if the ball does pop out the ring could slip out.
A septum ring will not show up in a CT scan because the jewellery will be removed before the scan is done. CT's and MRI's require that all jewellery be removed before the scans are done. This is standard hospital protocol and is not open to debate by the subject getting the scan.
when one views first, the septum ring will be normally imparts elevate the out look
Not right away. You have to wait at least 2 weeks or until the swelling has gone down.