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When in a time of war, amendment 3 of the constitution.

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Q: When can the government require you to quarter troops?
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Who were the colonists forced to quarter?

British troops

Do Third Amendment protects citizens from having to quarter troops without consent?

true the third amendment protects citizens from having quarter troops without concent.

What is the latin word for quarter?

the latin word for quarter sphere is apse A quarter or a fourth is vicus, quartus and diatesseron Summer/winter quarters (for troops) is castra

Did the central government provide troops to end Shays' Rebellion?

The central government did not provide troops to quell the rebellion.

What does the government think of troops in Afghanistan?

The government, of whichever foreign country, sent them there so they would be in favour. The Afghan troops live there so their government would also be in favour of their own troops being there.

How do you get troops on evony?

You build barracks and then you can recruit troops. The different troops require different technologies (from academies) and different barrack levels.

Where did Washington quarter his troops for the hard winter of 1777 - 1778?

Valley Forge

How do you get different troops in evony?

You need to upgrade your barracks and have enough resources to make troops. Also, some troops also require certain technologies that can be achieved via researching them in the academy, which may in turn require academy upgrades and other technologies, which may require more technologies, which may require certain other buildings, such as high-level resource fields.

Where did George Washington loose a quarter of his troops to cold disease and starvation?

Valley Forge, PA

What did the compromise of 1877 require the troops?

Leave the southern states immediately

Why has the Russian government set troops to Chechnya?

to conquer it

What did the compromise of 1877 require for federal troops?

Leave the southern states immediately