I am 99.9% sure it does not matter. Unless you get severe cases of the munchies, where, in that, case buy soup and other soft things, so it does not hurt, although with the ganja smoking it should not hurt that bad anyways.
Hope this helps.
If you brush your teeth regularly, it shouldn't be a problem. Stains maybe.
Your an idiot for smoking weed at all. And u have to wait 70000yrs
Yes, you can smoke the day of even. But brush your teeth, and if you have braces, your dentist may judge you. But he cares more about your money than your drug habits.
I just got my wisdom teeth pulled as well about that long ago and was wondering the same thing, but everywhere I have looked it says a minimum of 48 hours to prevent dry socket. Sounds like 72 hours is best though....... Oh well...
you are advised not to smoke anything, drink with a straw or use instruments that involve blowing at this creates pressure in the mouth which can dislodge the blood clot that has formed after surgery and cause dry socket.
Yes you can. The Doctors recommend waiting 48 hours AT LEAST. And then when you do decide to smoke, take small hits and put a gauze in over your holes to keep from getting dry socket.
You smoke my weed!
same reason cigarrett smoke turns you teeth yellow, tar. weed may be wonderful but its not healthy
Anyone who goes to Amsterdam can buy weed, and smoke it, but they are getting more serious about people taking it out of Amsterdam.
He has a medicinal merajuana card.
Sure, but you run the risk of getting really sick if you do.