None. Homosexuality did not originate anywhere, it's simply part of how people and many animals are and always has been.
Where did the term derby originate?
The term Pogrom did not originate during the Holocaust.
it's called homophobia.
The term "advocating homosexuality" is generally used by people who oppose gay rights. It is the mistaken belief that you can encourage people to be gay, which is impossible.
The term "latent homosexuality" is not associated with males. It's a phenomenon that has only been studied in females. The correct term for a male is "closeted" and if you are concerned about a boyfriend, the only thing you can do is ask him.
I know people referred to lesbianism as sapphos.
There does not seem to be a clear-cut term for genetic homosexuality - in fact, the best description of it is potentially the one used in the wording of the question. A related term which describes identity based on biological characteristics is 'sexual identity'.
"G" is not a significant term in paintball.
Horse racing