You can, but most likely it won't be positive b/c your hormones are out of whack. get a bllod test or ultrasound.
I think that you can take a test now
Signs of pregnancy on the implant are lack of bleeding and positive pregnancy test. Take a pregnancy test.
This is probably your period. A pregnancy test will probably be more reliable if you wait until the bleeding stops.
Wait a full week or more after you stop bleeding before you take a pregnancy test. The bleeding could mean an early miscarriage, or it could mean that it's your period and that you're not pregnant at all. However, some women bleed throughout their pregnancies. Definitely check with your doctor on more about this though. kate ok kate let me clear something up for you...a female can definitely have a period and be pregnant. some women even have a period throughout their whole pregnancy. and since pregnancy and period symptoms are basically the same it makes it hard to really tell. every women is different so the only way for the lady that ask the question to really find out is to go to her doctor. yes pregnancy test can be accurate but her doctor is the best choice. it is called decidual bleeding. look it up it explains it all. it is physically impossible to have a period and be pregnant. its decidual bleeding
After about a week.
Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.
Pregnancy on the IUD is unusual. Bleeding with the IUD is not a special sign of pregnancy. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.
You can use a pregnancy test at anytime while on the pill (it will not effect the test), if you normally have bleeding while taking the sugar pills, wait to see if the bleeding is late or the day before you start your new packet to test for pregnancy.
no it can give you a negative result. best to wait til your not bleeding anymore.
Vaginal bleeding does not affect a pregnancy test.
Regular bleeding in general means you are not pregnant - if you feel you are having signs of pregnancy, take a test - that way you'll know for sure.
The signs of pregnancy are a missed period and/or positive pregnancy test. Take a pregnancy test to see if you're pregnant.