Well i think if a guy sayd this he definitely enjoys ur company and has got a thing for u...not too much enhanced may be...but sumthing is there for sure...am i right????
Always the same thing. Anytime a guy acts interested in a woman, he wants to get her in bed.
"If it exploded, how am I talking to you?"
Most of the time they either say that to be cool or if they like you. I am a guy myself and i say that so i know.
it means that the guy was to busy with another girl but didnt wanna be rude.
Well he obvisously needs his space, his the type of guy that is a busy guy probly works or has coursework to do. And when his not busy he texts you. He sounds like he only thinks about you , and nobody else. hope ive helped you :) if he stops talking to you completely i think it means its time to move on if hes only texting you just move on and be independent
He's lying to you.
You like a guy more when they ignore you because when hes not talking to you then you get anxious and you miss talking to him. So you tend to like him more.
Guy you are dating says you have unresolved issues because you keep on talking about your past relationships.
i would think it means hes jealous and doesnt approve of you talking to another guy
WA hash tenny (if ur talking to a guy) WA hash teennee (if ur talking to a girl)
he likes you!!
ythat guy doesnt seem to make sense when hes talking then..
If a guy says he misses hanging out with you he may like you or he may care for you in a friend way.
You politely yet quickly walk walk away.
The guy just means that he is comfortable with you and trusts you enough to be himself.
Miss Congeniality: at the end where she is talking to that guy who is her love interest.
Always the same thing. Anytime a guy acts interested in a woman, he wants to get her in bed.