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to find out if you like her and if youre already going out its to find out if yourstill interested in her

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Q: When a girl ask you why am i beautiful?
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Tell her how beautiful you think she is and ask her if she realizes how amazing she really is

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make her feel like she is the most beautiful girl in the world

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Just ask her out it's not that hard man if she's beautiful kind and whatever else just ask her out.

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Well ask her out yourself dont ask anyone else to do it for you. Ask her in a sweet way or just sound sweet.

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Ask her if she is a lesbian. If yes, kiss her

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compliment on her face and her figure and the say u have beautiful eyes

How do you a extremly hot girl to ask you out?

if you are the guy and she is the girl why would the girl ask you out? you have to ask her but you seem to only want hot girls. if they knew they might be flattered but manly offended. you need to like her for her, not her body. dont call her Hot, call her beautiful if anything.

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Make her laugh or make alot of money and let her know about it.

Who is the most beautiful random girl not celebrities or anyone famous?

My daughter, of course! I don't know why you even had to ask.

How can you ask a girl out who is in high school?

walk up to her, tell her how beautiful she is and when you think that the time is right just ask her out. It means alot more to girls when you do it to their face.

What is a beautiful and graceful girl?

Anyone can be a beautiful and graceful girl!