It will put you at risk of catching STDs, but the actual squirt won't make it any worse.
No. It isn't safe for a child to swallow anything that isn't food.
If you swallow your own semen, then no, you can't get anything new. It's quite safe. It's fairly safe, too, to swallow someone else's semen.
of coarse it's safe to swallow a womans sperm/cum.It's the most satisfactory feeling that i know of.I have been swallowing her sweet juice for over 2 years now.I usually will swallow her juice for at least 7 to 11 hours at a time sometimes more.Gives me a high like no other and i do'nt drink or do drugs,do'nt need it just having my mouth around her lower lips and clitorius makes me happy!Then theres the grafenberg spot but thats enough information that you get.
Yes, it is safe to swallow saliva. Saliva helps with digestion and keeping the mouth clean.
yes, it is!
Yes it is safe usually to swallow a mouth or two of bath water. I wouldn't drink it though as it will contain unpleasant tastes of soap or shampoo !
just cant swallow it
it is very safe and u can swallow it
Is is safe to swallow and digest tooth enamel? Also, what causes it to break off?