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Depending on how strong the sperms are one or two things can happen:

one) one of the sperms will be strong enough to connect to the egg of the female


two) they both die off while making their way to the uterus

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It is not physically possible for two men's semen to mix inside a woman. Each man's sperm would fertilize an egg separately, leading to separate pregnancies with different genetic profiles.

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Q: When 2 men sperms get mixed in 1 women penis what hapens?
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What is the average sized penis for a woman?

It is not common for women to have a penis. Penises belong to individuals assigned male at birth. The average adult penis size, when erect, is around 5.16 inches in length and 4.59 inches in circumference.

If penis size is supposedly not a big deal to women why do they always discuss it?

It is not accurate to say that women always discuss penis size. Some women may discuss it due to societal pressure or cultural norms, while others may be genuinely interested or curious. However, it is important to note that women's preferences and priorities vary greatly, and for many women, penis size is not a determining factor in their attraction or satisfaction in a relationship.

Does having hypospadia surgery affect your penis size?

Hypospadias surgery does not typically affect penis size. The goal of the surgery is to correct the position of the urethral opening and improve urinary function, not to alter the size of the penis. The size of the penis is determined by genetic factors and hormones, not by hypospadias surgery.

Does a bottoms only girl transsexual have a penis?

Yes, a non-operative trans woman, commonly referred to as a "bottom-only girl," may still have a penis. Some trans women may choose not to undergo bottom surgery (genital reconstruction surgery) for various reasons, including personal preference or medical considerations. It is important to respect an individual's chosen gender identity and expression, regardless of their anatomical attributes.

Do guys who attempt to sleep with as many women as possible tend to have above average penis sizes?

I don't know of any studies that have been done, but I would seriously doubt that penis size has much, if anything, to with guys who sleep around. I think it would have more to do with their belief system and/or the image they have of themselves. Deb

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Can a woman pregnant herself?

No it takes sperms and women don't have that.

Can women drink sperms in islam?

according to Islam No, it is Haram (banned)

Why do women have a short urethra?

A man's urethra extends the length of the penis. Women do not have a penis.

Can a girl release her sperms by fingering during her periods?

Women don't release anything. The man release sperm because we have the egg. Most women become more wet when orgasm hit but that is it.

Do the men know if a women release sperms?

Women do not have sperm. They only have eggs. The male releases sperm when he ejaculates.

How can a guy get girl pregnant what does it take?

scientifically pregnancy is caused by passing sperms from males reproductive organ, the penis into the female's vagina.the sperm will fertilize an egg in female's uterus and new cells will reproduce into a fetus-thats the baby ,this is how a women gets pregnant.

Could sperms fertilize if they fall on women legs or abdomen?

sperm can not fertilize outside of the body

Are women aroused upon viewing the male penis?

Yes, women are aroused when seeing the penis. However, this depends on how the penis looks and it depends also on how far the woman is religious and/or shy.

How does sperm enter cervix?

Women should Stay in bed for thirty to minutes after a vaginal -penis sexual intercourse. This is the period the process called sperm liquifaction Meaning the sperm and mixed with the vaginal fluid which protect it from the vaginal natural acidic environment. The seminal fluid containing the sperm begins what we call a "Directional movement" Sperms are always attracted by the ovaries containing the female egg. This attraction creates the directional movement only to the female eggs. All these are controlled by nature. Answer provided by Dr Oludotun Akinde MD

How do the products of meiosis in men compared to meiosis in women?

the products of meiosis i. e. sperms, in men are several times more than the ova, in women

Why are women's algorithms wrong?

i like penis