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Perfect condition, 28" BBl with Rem chokes, $350.00. Short rifle sighted slug BBl with no chokes $290.

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Q: Whats the value of a Remington magnum wingmaster model 870 serial number v661315m?
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What year was your gun made it is a Remington Wingmaster 20 Gauge Magnum Model 870 Serial number T180716N?

Check the Remington Society of America, date barrel codes and location.

Remington 870 wingmaster serial number t152089m?

100-350 USD

Whats the age and value of Remington 870 Wingmaster Magnum with high gloss finish gold trigger engraving on both sides of receiver Remington logo in gold over black on grip serial number C336225 M?

Need to find the age of a Remington 870 wingmaster serical number V119738X?

Contact Remington Customer Service through their website.

Remington wingmaster model 870- serial number T730919v where is it from?

Made by the Remigton Firearms Company.

What does the w stand for on a Remington 870 12 gauge?

The W ahead of the serial number indicates that your Remington 870 wingmaster was made in 1972.

Remington wingmaster model 870- serial number 1066720v where is it from?

They are all still made in Illion, New York, I believe.

What year was the Remington wingmaster with serial number 588490W made?

Check this table for the answer:

What is the value of a Remington Wingmaster 20 gauge model 870 serial number 1165352X?

To determine the exact value of a Remington Wingmaster 20 gauge model 870, a few different things would need to be taken into consideration. Some of these things would be the age and condition.

What year was Remington wingmaster model 870 shotgun made serial number 406112v?

Remington Society barrel code lookup:

What year is a Remington 870 wingmaster with a serial number 155870v?

Go to the Remington Society of America and click the Manufactured link, it has the location and barrel codes for month/year of manufacture.

What year is remington's 870 wingmaster with serial number 494671x?

Look at the date code stamp on the barrel, see related link.