It's hard to keep one, but honestly, most girls these days think they want a boyfriend -- they just don't want to be lonely; they don't want to be left out of the circle; they don't want to have to look at every lovey dovey couple on the street and have to think "I wish I could have that."
some boys are just plan RUDE, they think having a girlfriend is cool, but she just has to be pretty, willing, and worthwild, when accually shes a snob, popular girl who thinks she all that. Your pretty, confident, indepentent, and sweet inless your one of those bratty popualr snoby girls who just wantted to look this question up,
dont take this afencive but you know who you are are, you know who you are unless your lost, but popluars, be nice to the less forturent, and im not talking about hobos, but be nice they are accually people just like you with differences.
The secret to getting a boyfriend is to be yourself, be confident, and put yourself out there by engaging in activities and social settings where you can meet new people. Building a strong connection with someone often happens when you least expect it, so stay open to opportunities and let things develop naturally.
Everyone finds somebpdy that's right for them, be yourself, it will take time...
You most certaintly will (: if you are desperate for a boyfriend, let them no that you are open. finding your first guy is always the hardest but it become's easier as you go on in life. you should use techniques such as flirting and compliments to this guy. become closer in friendship first, then play a game of truth with him on facebook or hotmail :) start off by asking simple questions like who is his best friend ect. Then ask him more personal questions, like love and relationship's. remember to always be casual and be yourself no matter what :) good luck!
just act like yourself and then he'll notice
There are no secrets to getting a girlfriend. Girls want a boyfriend that is kind to them and does not lie. Be a friend first and treat a girl the right way.
yes, in the second season to her boyfriend ben and she has a son who is adorable
No, you shouldn't be okay with that.
Sorry. Not allowed to tell you that. It's a secret, you know.
Karen Gillan's boyfriend is a photographer named Patrick Green.
Then there are no risks.
People have many secrets. If anyone except from Miley would know about her secret, it wouldn't be a secret.
Have him followed.
No because whats a the point of having a boyfriend