I try to look at the brightside of things!
Say you were having a argument with your Mum, and she wouldn't let you have say phone credit, be posotive and say 'okay mum, how can i earn it!'
Althiugh you have to do hard work you will actually win her round!
Oh and think before you speak!
No, "cheeky" is an adjective used to describe someone who is impudent or disrespectful in a playful or humorous way.
The best way to approach a woman is to tease her in some way.
Burn them
go to UCSB
Whats the best way to change a starter on a 2001 silverado
The best way for me is to let go of the ball right when you hit the line.
cheeky chappy chippy cheeky cheeky bingo
the best way to die by going to sleep then getting some one to stab you
The best way is to be polite and sweet, people like this, and just ask them.
fly there. fly there.