Your zodiac sign is Aquarius. It's air sign: Spends a lot of time in their head, very smart and somewhat disconnected from others.
Jeydon Wales is a Pisces, as he was born on February 2nd.
If born on March 2nd, your zodiac sign is Pisces. Pisces individuals are known for their compassionate and empathetic nature, creativity, and intuition. They are often described as dreamers and are deeply in tune with their emotions.
The horoscope sign for May 2nd is Taurus.
The Zodiac Killer was an unidentified serial killer who operated in Northern California in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The killer's identity remains unknown despite many investigations, and the case remains one of the most infamous unsolved serial murder cases in history.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's birthday is on May 2nd.
The Sun sign for November the 2nd is Scorpio.
Born February 2nd you are an Aquarius in the Western Zodiac and Otter in the Amerind Earth Magic Zodiac.
Jeydon Wales is a Pisces, as he was born on February 2nd.
Farrah's zodiac sign is Aquarius for 2nd Feburary
Duane "Dog" Chapman is an Aquarius, having been born on February 2nd.
Aries is the star sign.
The Sun sign for May 2nd is Taurus.
On January 1st, the astrological sign of a person born on this very day is Capricorn. And you also have traits of Taurus another earth sign cause of birth being 1-10th making you the 2nd type of Capricorn
Lily Allen was born on the 2nd of may 1985 so her zodiac sign is Taurus
Lily Allen was born on the 2nd of may 1985 so her zodiac sign is Taurus
Scorpio. He was born on 2nd November.
Born october 14 on a hot fall evening u wold be a libra