The zodiac sign for March 8 is Pisces.
The zodiac sign that corresponds to your birth month is determined by the position of the sun at the time of your birth. Each month is associated with a specific zodiac sign, such as Aries for March and Taurus for April.
A zodiac refers to the belt of the heavens that is within 8 degrees of the ecliptic. It is usually divided into 12 equal signs or divisions.
The Amavasya in October 1991 fell on October 1st.
Zodiac signs are a belief system that assigns personality traits and characteristics based on the position of the sun, moon, and planets at the time of a person's birth. There are 12 zodiac signs, each lasting for about a month, and they are commonly used in astrology to make predictions about one's future or compatibility with others. Some people find meaning in their zodiac sign, while others see it as a form of entertainment or self-reflection.
If your birthday is on July 8, then your Zodiac sign is Cancer.
Dustin Breeding was born October 8, 1987. This would make his zodiac star sign Libra (September 24 - October 23).
The zodiac star sign for October 8 is Libra (September 24 - October 23).
The zodiac sign for March 8 is Pisces.
Cancer, the crab JS was born in July 8
She is a Sagittarius. Born December 8, 1984.
She is a Sagittarius. Born December 8, 1984.
i have born on 1989-8-29 at 1-45 pm wt is my zodiac sign
Her birthday is October 8, 1997 .
Cancer, the crab JS was born in July 8
Cancer, the crab JS was born in July 8
October 8.