If you are a beginniner, it can be helpful to learn on an automatic return yoyo. With an automatic return yoyo, tricks are a lot easier to perform.
An example of an automatic return yoyo is the Yomega Power Brain Return Yo-Yo.
The best yomega yoyo is the maverick because the maverick sleeps the longest and that was the only yoyo that I could win a yoyo completion with.
Butterfly yoyo.
Andre Boulay
i dont know any but i think your best bet is on yoyoplay.com or yoyo expert
Freehand MG Anodized
prolly the catch 22
fire thunder
A simple single crochet purse pattern is best for beginners.
The Eiffel Tower, which is also the hardest.
Yoyos are classified by shape and the 3 are: 1) "Classic", also known as "Imperial" - These have been around the longest and include the Duncan 'Imperial', Duncan 'Speed Beetle', and the Team Losi 'Da Bomb'. They are best for looping tricks. 2) "Butterfly" - These are probably the most popular today and include the Duncan 'Butterfly', Henry's 'Viper', and Yoyojam 'Spinmaster'. They are best for string tricks and long spin or "sleep" times. Really complicated string tricks are almost always performed using a butterfly shaped yoyo. Butterflies are not considered to be the best starter yoyos. 3) "Modified" - These have rounded edges and are a good compromise between imperial and butterfly shapes. Good examples are the Duncan 'ProYo', Yomega 'Fireball', and the Spintastics 'Technic'. They loop well and are better than the imperial for string tricks. The modified shape is also considered to be a great beginners yoyo. Many other factors come into play such as materials, axel construction, weight, size, etc, but these are the 3 shapes, or "types" of almost all serious yoyos.
For Beginners, the best platforms are Market101, Zulutrade, and eToro. Super easy to use.
the duncan website! but for the best prices, yoyonation or yoyoloco.