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1933 to 1943

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Q: What years was the Winchester model 63 rifle mfg?
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What is date of mfg of model 70 Winchester sn g2293125?

I would say that your model 70 winchester rifle was made in the year 1999,or 2000.

What year of mfg is your 1892 model Winchester rife serial 308928?

With the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 1892 rifle was made in the year 1905.

What year mfg Winchester 257 serial 138003?

If you are reffering to a Winchester model 70 bolt action rifle chambered in 257 roberts,then your serial number indicates that your model 70 rifle was made in the year 1950.

What is the mfg date of Winchester 94 30-30 4370756?

With the serial number that you have supplied,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1976.

What is date of mfg and value of Winchester Model 90 Serial 674120?

Your winchester model 1890 rifle was produced in 1925.These rifles are valued at between 250-650 dollars for a rifle with between 10%-70% of its original finish remaining and a decent bore.

What is the date of mfg of Model 70 winchester sn G1097727?

your winchester model 70 was made by winchester in 1972.

What is the year mfg of a Winchester 1892 serial 173543 cal 38-49?

With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1892 rifle was made in the year 1900.The caliber of your rifle should read 38WCF,which means 38-40 Win.

What is mfg date on a Winchester mdl90 22 WRF sn 838843?

Your Model 90 was a parts clean-up rifle assembled in 1941. Bert H.

What year was mod 94 30-30 sn 1983717 mfg?

with the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1953.

What year was Winchester model 94-30 serial number 1369019 mfg and worth today?

Your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made between the years 1943-1948,During this time span of World war II,Winchester did not keep records of the serial numbers produced to the year of manufacture.I can say that any rifle made during this time span will be at least worth between 350-550 dollars.

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What is the mfg date of Winchester 1897 serial number 60240?

Your Winchester model 1897 was produced in 1899.