I see that the cutts compensator was available on the auto-5 light weight which was made from 1947-1967.I would have to assume that this option was available to the buyer of the sweet-sixteen model also.This compensator was also installed by gunsmiths across the nation.
16 years of age. I think that may be why they call it a sweet sixteen.
Made since 1937
Your serial number indicates that your Browning sweet sixteen auto-5 shotgun was one of the last 13 made in the year 1950.That years last sweet sixteen was serial number X43,700.
You can tell her how much she means to you, how much she has impacted you in sixteen years , and you can share a memory.
87 years old
41 years old
Browning made the Sweet Sixteen for many years. Need serial number to determine.
It is a party for a girl that it's turning 15 years old. In Latin American countries, it is like the Sweet Sixteen.
23 years old; 500 USD or so
Is he sixteen years old? Anonymous
1945.My research indicates that your browning sweet-sixteen was made by FN of belguim for Browning in 1957 with the S prefix to the serial number that you provided.The S prefix was only use between the years 1953-1957,with the serial numbers ranging between 1-99908 for those years listed.I hope this clarifies the situation.
Your browning sweet sixteen was assigned the letter A prefix between the years 1957-1958.These serial numbers were intermixed with the letter T for the standard weight auto-5 shotgun and total production of both during this time span was 10,900.