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Q: What years did Ruger make the 44 mag semi - auto rifle?
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What is the best 22 cal semi auto rifle?

'Best' is a very subjective thing. If I were to make a personal recommendation, I'd go with the Ruger 10/22.

Does ruger still make a highly polished stainless rifle?

Well the mini 14 comes in stainless steel. That is made by Ruger. There is also a Ruger 22 cal. stainless steel rifle.

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What firms make the .17 rifle?

Marlin and Ruger are two.

Does ruger still make a 22 mag auto?


When did sturm and ruger make a 270 rifle?

Impossible to answer without the serial number.

Does the ruger serial number tell the year the rifle built?

It is close. And if you contact customer service at Ruger with make, model, and serial number, they can help. http:/

What is a Ruger Mark 1 22 Long Rifle Auto Pistol worth serial 10-35282?

The value of ANY firearm is based on the exact make, model, variants such as type of barrel or sights, and condition. Without that information, we cannot offer a realistic answer. The Ruger Mk 1 may be worth for $75 to $250.

What is the value of a ruger 22 cal long rifle automatic pistol serial14-21762?

The value of ANY firearm will depend on the EXACT make, model and condition. The Ruger auto pistols can range from $100 for a well worn Standard Auto with the 4 inch pencil barrel, to around $600 for an excellent condition heavy barreled 6" Model II Target version.

What is the value of a Ruger model 96 44 magnum rifle?

Make, model, condition. We need all 3 factors.

What years did they make a Mossburg 480 22 L R semi auto rifle?

Mossberg More Gun for the Money by halvin might help you