If you turn 75 on your birthday in these years, your birth year is indicated:
2011 - born in 1936
2012 - born in 1937
2013 - born in 1938
2014 - born in 1939
2015 - born in 1940
So, to find the birth year, subtract 75 from the current year in which the birthday is occurring. You will one year younger before your birthday in any year.
A 75 year old person is typically referred to as a septuagenarian.
Yes, a 75-year-old can contribute to a Roth IRA as long as they have earned income. There is no age limit for contributing to a Roth IRA, unlike a Traditional IRA which has an age limit for contributions.
If you are 88 this year, it means you were born 88 years ago. So, if you subtract 88 from the current year, you will find the year you were born in.
The average life expectancy for a 75-year-old male in the USA is around 11-12 years. This can vary based on factors such as overall health, genetics, lifestyle choices, and access to healthcare.
A 32-year-old is born in the year 1989 if we assume that the person has celebrated their birthday in the current year.
75 or 76 depending on when you were born in the year
As today is 1st January 2010 and you are 75 and born in May you were born in the year 1934.
Subtracting 75 from the current year, 2010, gives 1935. Therefore, if you have had your birthday already this year, you will have been born in 1935. If you have not yet had your birthday, you would have been born in 1934.
Just subtract the current year minus the age.
Depends on the current year. (current date)-(age)=(date born)
She was born in 1934, so now she is 75 year old.
Depending on the month, either in 1939 or 1940
In what year? He was 75 when he died in 1974. He was born in 1899. You do the math.
HE died when he was 75 so that means in 51 years becausehe was born 1819
2009-1934 = 75. But you'd be 74 or 75 years old, depending on when your birthday was during the year. For example, if you were born on February 17, 1934, then you'd be 75 today [February 17, 2009].
75 BC is 75 BC.
If you are referring to the year 1930 then the year 2005 is the year which is 75 years after the year 1930