We don't know exactly- no records- but it was about 900-1000 years ago.
Guns were not first made in 1845. They go back to around the year 1100. Guns are used for defense, military action, and hunting. Or, in the words of Homer Simpson, for defending your family, hunting dangerous or tasty animals, and keeping the King of England out of your face.
around the 17 hundreds :) It depends on what guns you are referring to. Guns were first invented in the 1300s.
Guns did not "reach" China.It was the Chinese people who invented Guns. The first guns were invented around the year of 1132 (Song dynasty).
Surprisingly, grenades are older than guns- the first was probably from around the year 750 AD. Not 1750, but 750. See the link below.
Yes. Rather crude, single shot "handguns" were first used in the battle of Ain Jalut in the year 1260
12th century china
The first cannon and guns were used in the early 14th century in Europe. The first battle where there were significant numbers of guns was the Battle of Crecy in France in 1413.
Yes, they used the first pistols= revolvers and the first rifles= muskets
They came with the first European settlers, about 1502
bamboo and rope
they used guns with knives in the top
they get over 10 guns a year.