what is the year made and value of ser. #'s 7g 10367 &236272 Belgium browning
Yes.All Browning shotguns made prior to the year 1976 were Belgium made shotguns.
This gun was made in 1961
This gun was made in 1963
You will have to call Browning to find out.
The suffix of M71 was assigned to the Browning model BAR(Browning semi-auto rifle) which was made in the year 1971 in Belgium for Browning.
it was made in 1960
Your Browning challenger was made in the year 1968,with the serial number that you supplied.
Your prefix of 1G indicates that you have a Browning auto-5 light weight shotgun which was made in the year 1961.
No serial number provided.
No serial number given.