Mine was made in 2000. The build date is on the label on the left side of the freezer.
The Frigidaire model AFFC1466D is a self defrosting chest freezer model.
It's 8.8 cubic foot. (They call it a 9 cubic foot). I have the exact same model chest freezer.
what year was frigidaire model FRT21TNCDO made
The Whirlpool model EH151FXR model chest freezer is energy efficient and has received an Energy Star rating seal.
Yes frigidaire is a brand. Look at the link in the Related links section below.
General Motors, owned Frigidaire its logo ... Their model line-up includes fridge freezer units of personal units. General Motors never produced freezers company wise From 1919 to 1979. GM owned the Frigidaire's name per-say.
This Frigidaire model oven comes in both black and white.
capacity of frididaire model GLTF2940ES3
The Frigidaire FEF366BCB model stove typically has a total power output ranging from 7,500 to 11,500 watts, depending on the specific burner or element being used.
I tried to look it up, but I was asked for the serial number as well as the model number which you've given. However, pull the freezer away from the wall. It should have a metal tag on the back with its year of manufacture.
The Frigidaire FDF70S1 does not come with auto defrost, unfortunately. You'll have to purchase their flagship model for that feature.
When shopping for a food freezer, shoppers have a choice between the upright and chest type freezer. There are distinct advantages to both of these types. A primary consideration should be given to the space in which the freezer will be placed. The upright freezer is approximately the size of a standard refrigerator, although there are some capacity and size options. Chest freezers are shorter, wider, and come in more capacities than the upright version. For many, the convenience of an upright freezer is the most important factor. Foods can be organized and easily retrieved. Adjustable shelves and removable bins make storing and sorting frozen foods easy. However, some large or bulky items (such as turkeys) may necessitate the temporary removal of shelves. Generally, upright freezers are frost-free or self-defrosting. The frost-free or self-defrosting freezer costs a little more to operate, but for many consumers, this convenience is well worth the cost. For consumers with limited space, or for smaller families, the chest freezer may be the best option. Since they come in a range of sizes, purchasing a chest freezer may insure that the consumer does not buy more freezer than is needed. Most chest type freezers must be defrosted manually. Although this is not a process that has to be performed often, it is time consuming as a typical defrost may take from several hours up to an entire day. During the defrost time, the contents of the chest freezer must be stored elsewhere. The chest model generally runs quieter than an upright model. The chest model tends to be more cost efficient to operate. Because of the wall insulation, freezing temperatures can be better maintained with a chest freezer. Even unplugged for a period of 2-3 days, a chest freezer can keep its contents frozen as long as the freezer remains unopened. This would be important in case of a prolonged power outage. Chest freezers tend to last longer than upright models. When considering prices, the upright freezer tends to be the more expensive model. While both types of freezers have advantages, the primary considerations are usually price, convenience, and space.