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They were only made from 1932-1935, they will be date code stamped on the barrel.

See related links for information on the Remington Society of America.

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Q: What year was the Remington model 34 made?
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Related questions

What year did they come out with the Remington .22 cal. model 34?

It was made only from 1932 - 1935

What year was the Remington model 34 rifle made?

They were made from 1932-1935, will be date code stamped see related links.

What year was a Remington model 34 serial number 51810 made?

The are date code stamped on the barrel, see related links for a pointer to information on the Remington Society of America.

What is a Remington Model?


What year was Remington Model 34 sn 144040 made and what is it worth?

Check the date code on the barrel, the details and table lookup are on the Remington Society of America, manufactured date link.

What year was a Remington model 34 serial number 34852 made?

The date (month/year) can be determined by the barrel codes which can be looked up on the Remington Society of America here:

How much is a Remington 22 rifle model 34 serial?

it is 56 Remington rifle model

What is the age and value of a Remington Model 34 22 cal bolt action rifle serial no 89532?

The model 34 was made from 1932-1935 and will be marked on the barrel with a month/year date code right in front of receiver on left side. Please check the associated links for a pointer to the details and table on the Remington Society of America website.

How do you age a Remington model 34?

They were made from 1932-1935 and are date code stamped on the barrel. Check the Manufactured Date link on the Remington Society of America for details.

What is your Remington model 34 rifle worth serial kb25035?

Your Remington model 34 rimfire bolt action rifle will bring between 150-300 dollars based on the rifle having between 60%-95% original condition.These rifles were made from 1932-1936 in a quantity of 162,941 made during this time span.

Where are Remington model 34 but plate?

The steel piece is the original buttplate.

How old is your Remington model 34 with serial number 77233?

They only made them from 32-35 and they are date code stamped, see related links for information on the Remington Society of America.