Your best answer should come from Daisy. Daisy offers a free service to answer questions about old Daisy airguns see the link below
model 95 1962-76 model 95A 1979-80 model 95 Timberwolf 2002-04 model 95 Pony Express 1999 model 95 Gold Rush 1999
What condition is it in...
Daisy started making the model 95 in 1962 and continued to make 5 different variations of this model until 1999. The models were: 95, 95a, Timberwolf, Pony Express and Gold Rush. In Excellent condition the earlier models are worth $50 and the later models (In excellent condition (Pony & Gold)) are worth $150. Daisy offers a service to evaluate older Daisy airguns and it's free. See the Daisy link below.
Contact the maker. Daisy started making the model 95 in 1962 and continued to make 5 different variations of this model until 1999. The models were: 95, 95a, Timberwolf, Pony Express and Gold Rush. In Excellent condition the earlier models are worth $50 and the later models (In excellent condition (Pony & Gold)) are worth $150.
There were several model 95's. The 95 (1962-76), 95a (79-80), 95 Timberwolf (2002-04), 95 Pony Express (1999) and the Gold Rush (1999) However the original 95 in good condition is worth around $25 -$35
There were several model 95's. The 95 (1962-76), 95a (79-80), 95 Timberwolf (2002-04), 95 Pony Express (1999) and the Gold Rush (1999) However the original 95A in good condition is worth around $25 -$35. I have no listing for the 95B
There were about 5 different versions of the model 95, But each one was loaded about the same. Through a trap door on the front of the barrel or a hole behind the front sight. For the current owners manual see the link below.
Lets start with how to identify the rifle. When you say "model 95". Model 95 made by who? All of Sears air guns and rifles were either made by Crosman or Daisy. The model numbers that sears used identified the manufacture by the first three numbers as such. 126 represented Crosman and 799 represented Daisy the following numbers can be translated into the original model number. From that I can give you the years it was made. This information is only about 75% available because some of the records were lost over the years. I need the Sears Model number to assist you further.
In order to give you an answer it is necessary for you to give a description of the rifle. is it still working? Rate it as poor, fair, good, very good, or excellent. Then it is easier to give you an estimate of value.Or you can go up on the "Daisy" website and click on Daisy "Museum," at the bottom of the Daisy Museum page you will find "Do you want to know more about your old Daisy"Open it and follow the instructions.
Depending on year an Model 95 mph to 230 mph
20 USD
The Savage/Stevens No 95 was made from 1926-1935.There were 55,000 made during this time span.