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Q: What year was rossi 62 sa 22 pump sn g101559 manufactured?
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What year is Rossi pump 22 cal serial number g388783?

No published sn data that I know of.

What year was rossi 62 pump rifle with serial number 236351 made?

No known sn data published.

What year was this gun manufactured Winchester Model 97 pump 12G 28.5 inch B Serial No 831357?

It was manufactured in 1932 .

What year or years were savage model 30T 12 gauge pump shotguns manufactured?

1958 - 1970 I was told

what year manufactured?

what year manufactured

What year was this gun manufactured Winchester Model 97 pump 12G Serial No 811817?

1866 through the early 1990s

In what year was a Winchester model 42 410 pump gun with serial number 39519 manufactured?

The gun was made in 1940.

In what year was a model 1897 Winchester pump action shotgun serial number 58340 manufactured?

1898 An early one, only the second year of production.

What year of manufactured is a Winchester 1897 Sn 430012?

With the serial number that you have supplied;your Winchester model 1897 pump action shotgun was made in the year 1910.

When was it manufactured 62A Winchester pump serial number 124154?

With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 62A was produced in the year 1941.

What year was the 1897 Model Winchester Pump Shotgun made with serial E 873594?

Your Model "97" was manufactured in 1931. Bert H.