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In about 1973 the Browning Pump Shotgun (BPS) began production at the Miroku factory, and in 1976 production of the legendary John M. Browning-designed Auto-5 shotgun made the move from Belgium factories to Miroku, in Japan. The others followed as they were introduced

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Clovis Waters

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Q: What year was nitro hunter serial number a54562 made?
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No published sn data that I know of.

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About $65-$75, depending on condition. Thee were low $$$ guns made by Crescent, who used about 100 different names. The Nitro Hunter was made for a chain of hardware stores.

What year was a Lefever Nitro Special Serial Number 1321xx made?

I would say that with the serial number 1321XX,we are looking at your shotgun being made by ithaca(who made the lefever nitro special) in 1924.

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CHeck the receiver and under the forearm

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