7790314 is not a serial number, it is the part number for the slide.
It was made by Colt in 1944.
Made in 1918 by Colt.
It was made in 1944.
it was made by Colt in 1942 for the U.S. Navy.
your colt model 1911A1 was made by colt in 1944.
about 1945
It was made by Remington Rand in 1943
I don't think so, because Colt frame having M1911A1 US ARMY with serial number 1152033 was produced in 1943 contrary to the fact that colt commander models production were onlystarted in 1949.
what is your question ??? if you want to know when it was made you must furnish the serial number.....
You will have to call Colt and request a letter.
made in 1945