The Mossberg and Sons Model 146B was manufactured in 1954-1958.
The model 190 Mossberg shotgun was manufactured in the 1950s. The exact date would depend on the serial number of the item.
You will have to call the company to find out.
Can't find that model in the Mossberg line-up.
Type your answer here... These guns were manufactured by Mossberg for Montgomery Ward (Same as Mossberg Model 26 b or c) between 1938-1941. They have proven to be nice, tough simple little American .22 single-shot rifles.
I think the model year must be 2000. The book accompanying ours has a date on it of May 2000. We purchased ours in December 2000.
The Model 46B was made 1938-1946. The 46B(a) was 1946-1947, the 46B(b) was 1947-1949. These are EXCELLENT target rifles.
Your Craftsman GT3000 was manufactured in 2001.
Manufactured for Montgomery Wards, this is a Mossberg Model 46B. The 46B was made from 1938-1946. Most date from before 1942 (WW 2, Mossberg was making training rifles for US Navy). The 46B is an excellent rifle.
The Mossberg 183D-D was produced from 1956-1960.
From 1968-1971.