The J.C. Higgins brand was used by Sears for hunting and fishing equipment since WWII until 1961 when it was replaced by the Ted Williams brand.
There are no records of serial numbers available for the Sears firearms.
No sn data available.
Your J C Higgins model 44 was made for sears by the marlin firearms company.The marlin model number is model 57M.The marlin model 57,and 57M were made during the years 1959-1965.
Sometime between the mid 1940s and early 1970s.
The J C Higgins model 41 /103 19770 Was made by Marlin Firearms.1959 .103 is the Sears vendor code for Marlin .The model 41 is the same as the the Marlin Glenfield model 10. These are very nice little rifles that are well known for accuracy.
what year was frigidaire model FRT21TNCDO made
JC Higgins never made shotguns. That is a Sears model number. Shotguns were made by other companies using the Sears brand name- JC Higgins. Yours is likely a High Standard shotgun. If it has no serial number (most did not) it was made prior to 1968. Serial numbers were not required by law until then.
what year was Kenmore washer model # 3356472 made
This is a Crosman model 180, 22 cal made for Sears under the JC Higgind name from 1962-1967. 100%=$130, 95%=$120, 90%=$100, 80%=$80, 40%=$65, 20%=$55
The year that the model 70 .222 cal Winchester rifle was made was in the year of 1936. However, this model continued to be made up until 2006.
It was made in late 2001 for the 2002 model year
Your Marlin model 30as was made in the year 1988.
Your Winchester model 12 was made in the year 1923.