Colts serial number database lists only the Combat Commander, and they have no serial numbers that begin with "CJ", though for a number of years the Combat Commander had serial numbers that began with "CL"
The Colt commander with that serial number was made in 1955.
Your Colt commander was made in 1977.
Colt combat commander with that serial number was produced in 1968.
Are you sure about that serial number??
What is the production year of a colt combat commander with serial number 70sc5572? Early 1972.
The records I have show a Colt combat commander with serial number CLW0015879 as being produced in 1972.
Based on the serial number, your Colt was made in 1977.
Your Colt was made in 1975.
your colt combat commander was made in 1972.
Serial number goes beyond published data. You will need to call Colt.
You must all Colt. The serial number you list is not in the proper range.
You will have to call Colt to find out.