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Q: What year was a colt ace service model serial number SM 18351 made?
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What is the model of colt serial number sm23348?

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What is the date of a colt 45 revolver with a serial number of 189520 and is this a special serial number?

if it's a New Service model it was made about 1920

How can I perform a GT Dyno serial number lookup?

To perform a GT Dyno serial number lookup, you can contact GT Bicycles customer service with the serial number. They can help you identify the model and year of your bike.

What year was my Winchester model 70 300 win mag made in?

Without a serial number there is no way we can tell you. Get the serial number, contact Customer Service at Winchester.

When was ruger blackhawk serial number 3808167 made?

Check Ruger website, under customer service, historical data. They have production dates by model, by serial number.

How do I determine the model of my Cannondale bicycle?

To determine the model of your Cannondale bicycle, look for a serial number on the frame. You can then contact Cannondale customer service with this number to identify the specific model of your bike.

When was a colt sm43518 made?

That serial number in not in published data for the Service Model. Recommend you call Colt.

How can i find the model and date of manufacture from serial number? has a sn function under customer service.

How old is a subzero model 590?

The age of a specific Subzero model 590 refrigerator can be determined based on its serial number. The first two digits of the serial number usually represent the year of manufacture. You can contact Subzero customer service with the serial number to get an accurate age for your specific model.

When was ruger model 05849 made?

That is not a model number, but the serial number. Go to the Ruger website, look under customer service, historical data, Slect rifle, shotgun, pistol or revolver, then find your model. There is a serial number/ year list for all Ruger products.

What year is your ruger m77 338 if the model is 79-51197?

That's the serial number, not the model number. The year of manufacture appears to be 1984. More details can be had by leaving a message including the model of rifle and serial number with Ruger customer service at 603-865-2442.With the serial number that you have supplied,79-51197 your Ruger model 77 rifle was made in the year 1985.