Your browning hi-power was made by F N in belguim for browning in 1968.
The letters NZ in your serial number dates your browning Hi-power to the year 1991.
No serial number provided.
What is the age of a belgium 9mm browning hi power serial number 72c41055
The serial number you have provided is for a Browning High Power Sport Pistol made in 1993
Your browning hi-power was made by browning in 1967.
You can get it lettered from Browning.
Your browning high power was produced in 1980.
That serial number goes beyond published data. Recommend you call Browning.
Impossible to answer without the serial number.
The RN in the middle of your serial number indicates that your Browning Hi-power was made in the year 1997.The Browning Hi-power is produced by FN in belguim.
Your Browning Hi-power was made during the years 1945-1954.Browning had no serial number breakdown during these years.The serial number range is from 1-72,250.
You can call Browning or visit their web site. They have serial number data available for review.