Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1873 was made in the year 1884.
what year was my Winchester M1 carbine serial number 1210906 manufactured
Your Winchester was manufactured in 1952.
Winchester Model 94 serial number 1237317 was manufactured in the year 1940.
Your winchester model 9422 was made by winchester in 1975 with the serial number that you provided.
A Winchester Model 1873 with a serial number of 169xxx was manufactured in 1884.
Your Winchester Model "1894" serial number 373931 was manufactured very late in the year 1907.
Winchester Model 94 serial number 1473686 was manufactured very early in the year 1948.
According to Winchester, the serial number "437607" was manufactured in 1958. Hope this helps.
Winchester Model 94 serial number 1181241 was manufactured late in the year 1938.
Winchester Model 94 serial number 1700616 was manufactured in the year 1950.
With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 62A was produced in the year 1941.