With the serial number that you provided.Your browning sweet sixteen shotgun was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1966.The 6S prefix dates to 1966.
The 72S suffix to your serial number indicates that your Browning superposed shotgun was manufactured in the year 1972,by FN of Belguim for Browning.
A browning auto-5 shotgun with the serial number you provided,was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1914.
What model is this for? The serial number is not a Auto-5 number of Browning Arms Co. What model is this for?
It was made in 1947
If your browning shotgun is a auto-5 in 16ga. then it was made in 1929.
Browning's web site has a sn search function.
Impossible to answer without a detailed description.
With the serial number you provided,Your browning sweet-sixteen auto-5 shotgun was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1956.
If you are asking about a Browning Auto-5 shotgun,then it was made in the year 1923,with the serial number that you have provided.