The Winchester Model 1903 was in production from the year 1903 through 1932. The serial number will determine which specific year in that range that it was manufactured. Bert H.
Winchester Model 94 serial number 1237317 was manufactured in the year 1940.
Your Winchester Model 94 was manufactured in 1949.
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1949.
Your Winchester model 42 was produced by Winchester in 1954.
Your winchester model 1890 was made by winchester in 1910.
Your Winchester model 9422 was made by Winchester in 1973.
Your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1903,with the serial number that you have provided.
your Winchester model 1894 was made in 1974.
your Winchester model 12 was made in 1962.
Your Winchester Model "1894" serial number 373931 was manufactured very late in the year 1907.
Winchester Model 94 serial number 1473686 was manufactured very early in the year 1948.
Your Winchester Model 12 serial # 514339 was manufactured in 1928. Serial #'s 508890 thru 556046 were made that year. Your Winchester Model 12 serial # 514339 was manufactured in 1928. Serial #'s 508890 thru 556046 were made that year.