If the serial number is truly just 2-digits (69 in this case), it was not originally manufactured as a 32 W.S. Winchester introduced the Model 1894 in late October of the year 1894, with just the 38-55 cartridge being offered. Serial number 69 was made in early November of the year 1894. The 32 W.S. (Winchester Special) cartridge was not created and introduced until October of the year 1901 (in the 120,000 serila number range).
Impossible to value with just the serila number.
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Poor descriiption. Range 150-450.
it is a MAC Media acces control each network adapter on you adapter has a uniquie number (like a serila number) assigned to it by the manufactor.
it is a MAC Media acces control each network adapter on you adapter has a uniquie number (like a serila number) assigned to it by the manufactor.