No answer can be provided,without a serial number for the shotgun in question.
With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 70 featherweight was produced in the year 1990.
your Winchester model 70 pre-64 featherweight was produced in 1961.
Your winchester model 70 featherweight,pre-64 rifle was made in 1956.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 12 shotgun was made in the year 1951.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 70 bolt action rifle was made in the year 1990.
Mid 80s or so
Your Winchester model 70 featherweight was made by Winchester in 1955.The value of pre-64 featherweight,s are ranging between 800-1200 dollars if the wood stock is in original condition with varnish and checkering in good shape and the metal blueing remaining in 90% coverage on the metal.
The first Winchester model 1300 shotgun(model 1300 featherweight) was made in the year 1978.
it first came out in 1984
Before I would answer your question.I would like you to check your serial number again.The G Prefix to the serial number for the Winchester model 70 started at number G941900 in the year 1969.Is it possable that you misread your serial number?Please recheck and post the serial number again.
Your Winchester model 74 was made by Winchester in the year 1949,with the serial number that you provided.
With the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 70 rifle was produced by Winchester in the year 1973.