The Winchester model 67 rifles were not serial numbered.This was not mandated until the gun control act of 1968.They were made from 1934-1963.A total of 383,587 were made during this time span.
The Winchester 67A was made from 1934 and 1963. Because they ended production in 1963 they are not serial numbered.
The Winchester Model 67A evolved from the Model 67 in September of 1939. Production of the Model 67A ran from then until December 1963 when it was discontinued. Because the Model 67/67A was never serialized, there are no records to use to determine when an individual rifle was made. There is a possibility that a 2-digit year date was stamped on the bottom of the barrel under the stock.
the Winchester model 67a was prouduced from 1934 to 1963
The winchester model 67,67A were made from 1934-1963.
I'm not positive but my model 67A SL.or LR short barrel Winchester was given to me in 1958 when I turned 7. If it was new or used is unknown.
The Winchester Model 67A was only made for one year in 1934. This model is worth approximately $650+-$700, depending on condition.?æ
The Winchester Model 67 was introduced in 1934, redesigned in 1937 and changed to "67A", and discontinued in the early 1960s. Bert H.
All model 67's and 67A's have no serial numbers
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The Winchester Model 67 is a single-shot bolt-action .22 caliber rifle with a barrel-length of about 22". The Winchester 67A is a different , later, improved model of the pre-war model 67. The 67A has a 27 inch bbl, not a 22". This rifle also came in a short-stocked, 20 inch barrel version, which was, in fact, known as "the boy's rifle." The standard 67A is NOT the boy's rifle.... the "boy's rifle" is a sub model of the 67A.
Model 67 had slots on each side of the stock fore end, the later model 67a did away with the slots and were plain and rounded.
Winchester did not use serial numbers on the model 67.These were not required by law until 1968.I can say that the model 67 was made from 1934 thru 1967.There were a total of 383,587 made during that time span,yours included.