Hopkins & Allen Arms Co. Fifty Years of Gunmaking 1867 - 1917 by Joseph T. Vorisek is about the best book on H&A.
Hopkins & Allen ended business in 1916, and there are very few points in the database. Sorry-
Hopkins & Allen began business in 1868. Unfortunately, they closed in 1916, and there are very few serial number records. The XL revolvers range from the 1880s up into the early 1900s. Please do not attempt to fire it with modern high speed .22 ammo- it was not built for that.
Cornell Publications might have a book with that information.
As for value they sell in the $225 250 range in 90%+ condition. Numrich arms sold "hopkins allen" reproductions in the 60's and 70's and still has some parts available as does dixie gun works.
Condition is everything when valuating firearms. An Hopkins and Allen .32 cal. hand gun can range between $45 in Poor condition to $300 in exceptional condition for a scarce/rare model.
No specific forum dedicated to the 32
Ruger website, customer service, historical data, revolvers. Find your model, check the serial number range for year.
Allen's Princess range was released in 1998.
It depends on the caliber and your ability to shoot it.
Made in Germany, and imported by FIE of Florida, import of most of these inexpensive revolvers was banned after the 1968 Gun Control Act. Most of the RG revolvers are considered to be of indifferent quality, and value may range from $25-$100, depending on condition.
Trade name used by Sears. Actual manufacturer could be Hopkins & Allen, Stevens, and several others. Pre-1940. sales@countrygunsmith.net