SOME guns had serial numbers in the late 1800s. They were required by law on handguns and machine guns in 1934 (in the US) and on rifles and shotguns in 1968.
From the day they started making them.
most dont due to the fact that they were made prior to 69, the year that all long guns were required to have a serial number.
year 1926 41505 guns were made
1968 0r later savage started putting serial numbers on their guns then.
Try this link... It has an area to enter serial #'s for guns.
I am going to guess that it was made in either the serial number provided.The last recorded serial number that I have is 566,000 which was the start of the year 1950.
If this is the complete serial number and it is an A5, then it was made in 1929. Verify by noting that the 1929 guns said "Ogden Utah" on the barrel.
Need serial number to determine any guns date of mfg.
All you have to do is ask! Mercury outboards year model is determined by serial number range. Each model has a start, and ending serial number range, for each year of production. The serial number, along with the horsepower rating of the engine in question, is compared to a chart of serial number runs for each year. According to the chart, a 65 hp Mercury, serial number 7058505 would be a 1975 year model. of about 12, 255 guns of that model made in that year. Regards, Marty
our serial number indicates that your Springfield model Krag rifle was made in the year 1898.
All you have to do is ask! Mercury outboards year model is determined by serial number range. Each model has a start, and ending serial number range, for each year of production. The serial number, along with the horsepower rating of the engine in question, is compared to a chart of serial number runs for each year. According to the chart, a 65 hp Mercury, serial number 7058505 would be a 1975 year model.