The year of manufacture for the H and R with a serial number of 999 is 1979. The 1979 H and R with a model/serial number of 999 is worth around $250 in good condition.
not sure of year made, but the model 999 is a collectable item under the H & R collectables. but price depends on condition...................
Impossible to answer without a serial number.
Your H&R model 929 was made in the year 1966 with the serial number prefix of AC.I hope that you find this informative.
H&R model 949 was produced from 1960 to 1985. The AJ prefix in the serial number indicates 1972 as the year of manufacture.
Reply to this message with the serial number and I can give you the year of manufacture, and in many cases, the specific month. Bert H.
The year of manufacture for H = 1951. New type of trigger and sear in Model 336.
Winchester Model 94 serial number 1086466 was manufactured in September of the year 1932. Bert H.
After 1940, a LETTER prefix determined the year. IF your first character is a letter S and not a 5, that would be 1956.
Your Winchester Model 1890 serial number 667775 was manufactured in August of the year 1920. Bert H.
The year of manufacture for H = 1951. New type of trigger and sear in Model 336.
Vickers Dawson H4604 28 Wide Superpower H was built in 1982 for Beecham's.
50-100 USD or so Depending upon model, year of manufacture and condition - as high as $450 for 999, as low as $100 in poor condtion.