Your question can be answered only if you provide a serial number for your Winchester model 1897 shotgun.
Winchester Model 97 serial number 847636 was manufactured in the year 1929. Bert H.
No serial number provided.
Winchester Model 97 serial number 990575 was manufactured very late in the year 1950. Bert H.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1897 shotgun was made in the year 1917.
your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1897 shotgun was made in the year 1933.
Your Winchester model 1897 shotgun was made in the year 1951.
Your Winchester model 1897 shotgun was made by Winchester in 1927.
The serial number is required to determine when a Model 97 was manufactured. Bert H.
Model 97 serial number 741960 was manufactured in the year 1920. Bert H.
your model 1897 Winchester shotgun was made in 1914.
Your Winchester model 1897 shotgun was made in 1951.