It depends on the serial number, one cannot get the date of manufacture with out the serial number
What year is a Parker Shotgun Serial number 126212
My records indicate that your Parker GH grade shotgun was made in the year 1888.
The shotgun was manufactured in the year 1900. Reference: I have one made in 1913.
1912 as per blue book
64241 through 70371 1891
Parker double barrel serial #131072 what would the grade be and date made.I can say that with the serial number provided,your Parker shotgun was made in the year 1904.As to the grade,that would be impossible to say without a detailed description of the shotgun in may find that there is much info available to you thru the internet about parker shotguns that will assist you in deciding which grade of Parker shotgun you have.
In order to be of any assistance I will need the serial number of your Parker shotgun to determine the year of production.
That 10ga with a 30 inch barrel was made in 1892.
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i have a t parker double barrel shotgun im wondering how much it is worth?
Your Parker Bros. shotgun was made in 1925.
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