Contact Browning Customer Service through their website. Some records of pre WW 2 guns were lost during the war.
Pre 1969. You will have to call Browning to narrow it down further.
You must call Browning to find out. Falls outside published data.
Pre 69. You will have to call Browning to narrow it down further.
Need a detailed description of all markings.
No browning did not,but winchester made a ranger model pump action shotgun.
Browning never made a pump action rifle.Please check the manufacturing name on your rifle again.
50-1000 usd
US Patent Office
11 + 1 in the chamber
By the serial number.
I can say that your rifle was made at the end of production.The Browning trombone model rifle were only made in the total amount of 150,000 grade 1 rifles.If you contact Browning directly through the customer service dept,they should be able to date your rifle.I suspect that it was made sometime in the 1960,s.