I found this off of the Remington website... Please provide us with the above information along with a brief description of the gun and we will furnish to you the information that we have available. You can send this information to the following:
Remington Arms Co., Inc.
PO Box 700
Madison, NC 27025
Fax : 336-548-7801
or call our historians at 1-800-243-9700, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST. I found this off of the Remington website... Please provide us with the above information along with a brief description of the gun and we will furnish to you the information that we have available. You can send this information to the following:
Remington Arms Co., Inc.
PO Box 700
Madison, NC 27025
Fax : 336-548-7801
or call our historians at 1-800-243-9700, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST.
100-350 USD
Made by the Remigton Firearms Company.
Serial 718943w
The W ahead of the serial number indicates that your Remington 870 wingmaster was made in 1972.
They are all still made in Illion, New York, I believe.
Check this table for the answer: http://www.remingtonsociety.com/rsa/questions/barrelcodes
You can call Remington at 1-800-243-9700 and go thru the menu selection. One of the menu options is to request information on your Remington based off of the serial number.
Look at the date code stamp on the barrel, see related link.
Do a search on barrel codes, I believe that will give you an answer
Remington Society barrel code lookup: http://remingtonsociety.com/rsa/questions/barrelcodes
Go to the Remington Society of America and click the Manufactured link, it has the location and barrel codes for month/year of manufacture.
See related link.