Daisy has be making the model 880 sense 1972. Your best bet is to contact Daisy directly. They offer a free service to give you more information about your old Daisy.
See the link below.
This school, in Bangladesh, can be reached through the number: +880 1557-643467
1992 is the correct awnser Shrute
98 x 880 = 86240 98% x 880 = 862.4
im looking for information on a Diana 880 model cast iron stove.
It was made between 1972- 1989 by Daisy. It's a Daisy model 880 made for Sears.
Year of manufacture for a Marlin 880 SQ, 1996
what year was the daisy bb rifle #102 model 36 500 shot pat.# 880-555-1.062.855 made?
i bought mine in 1979 from coast to coast Arlington Oregon for $120
Country code +880 is Bangladesh, and +880 19 is a Banglalink mobile.
BNZ = Stratos Boats Inc, 880 Butler Road, Murfreesboro Tennessee 9h187 should be the hull serial number (check that H) d = April 0 = Year ending in 0 (1990) 90 = 1990 model year So, a 1990 Stratos http://www.stratosboats.com/ (Nice fishing boats by the way)