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Instead of correcting this I will just add on slavery dates back to prehistoric man the Jews where slaves in Egypt which surley predates 1400 BC or AD not sure what this fellow above me was on probley a black fellow no disrespect indented.

Every culture has been impacted in one way or another by slavery the Brits where slaves to the Romans so don't feel so bad it just goes on and on until about 100-200 years ago when government realized the could make even more money off of us all by enslaving us to rules and laws dictated by them .

The first slaves in America were brought here in 1619 to Virginia. In 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean blue. Before the 15th century there were no slave trade. The ignorant Europeans thought the earth was flat! so they did not sail past the pillars of Hercules. Or Gilbralter which means jebal tarik or The mountain path. John Hawkyns captained a slave ship named Jesus commissioned by the then queen of England Henry the 8th's daughter.

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