In 1972 I remember buying them in a machine at a gas station for my "babysitter"... for 50 cents.
I quit smoking in 1978 and cigarettes were 55 cents a pack then.
I remember when a pack of cigarettes used to be 75 cents in 1982 in Chicago. That price is a far cry from the modern pack price in the Windy City. lol
In the UK, it was around 50p, although I'm not sure if that was a 10 pack or 20. it was 20
1940-49 they cost 10 to 25 cents depending on brand and year and location like fancy hotel lobby or cigarette girls in facy restaurants. The military sold them much cheaper on base PX about half
The average price of a six pack of Pepsi was 59 cents. In the year 1945 the cost of a six pack of Pepsi bottles was 23 cents.
I'm assuming the word own in the question was a mistake really meaning the word one.The answer to "how much does it cost in one year at half pack a day" in my estimation is about $958.(based on cigarettes that cost five and a quarter)
If the cost of a pack of cigarettes is about 5 dollars a pack and you go through about 2 a day its gonna be about 3,650 dollars a year.
This completely depends on the price of the cigarettes and the amount that the individual smokes per day. For a gross estimate, we will say that the person smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day and a pack costs $6.00:$6.00 x 365 days = $2190.00 per year.
Marlboro cigarettes in Australia are, on average, 10 dollars for a pack of 20s, 12 dollars for a pack of 25s and around 55 dollars for an 8-pack carton. In Australia the average price of a pack of cigarettes is $10.00 (2008).
If a smoker smokes an average of 1 pack per day, and if the average cost per pack is $4.00, the total per year for 365 packs would be $1, 460.00. However, cigarettes per pack varies by State in the USA, and varies worldwide. In higher cost USA States a pack may cost almost $7.00, so one pack per day would cost $2,555.00 for 365 packs in 1 year. However, many smokers buy by the carton, which can reduce costs up to $2.00 per carton (10 packs per carton). If a smoker also uses coupons, they may save 0.50 cents per pack or on up to $3.00 per carton. If a person rolls their own cigarettes, they may save between 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of cigarettes, although federal tax laws have increased the costs of loose tobacco, just as the laws increased the tax on manufactured cigarettes.
smoked 1 pack of cigarrettes a day for last 50 yrs.Actually it's a little more complicated than what is answered above. Pack-years are calculated by multiplying the number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day by the number of years the person has smoked.A pack-year is smoking 20 cigarettes a day for one year. If someone has smoked 10 cigarettes a day for 6 years, they would have a 3-pack-year history. Someone who has smoked 40 cigarettes daily for 20 years has a 40-pack-year history.So it is actually possible for someone to have a pack-year history that is larger than their actual age.
I live in New Zealand,and as of today, a packet of cigarettes containing 20 costs around $23. However, it goes up by 10% every year so by 2017 it will be around $33+
A packyear is a measure of the amount of cigarettes a person smokes, equal to a single pack of 20 cigarettes for each day of a calendar year.
It really depends on where you live, but if you buy cigarettes at $5 a pack (including taxes), then your yearly cost would be $1825. Add $365 for each dollar-per-pack above that. Plus you smell like cigarettes.